Dissolution of dormant BV
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You have a BV that you do nothing with, this is also called a dormant BV. The BV was established for a specific purpose, but in practice nothing came of it. Or the BV has been very useful for a number of years, but since then little or nothing has been done with it. A dormant BV costs just as much money and you also spend time on administration. If you do not need the dormant BV in the near future, you can dissolve the BV. Can help you with this.
Please note! Always make sure that the asset side of your dormant BV is empty before you dissolve. If there are still shares or other assets present after the liquidation, reviving the BV is a very expensive affair.
Using our service, you independently dissolve your BV for a fixed amount starting from €289
A dormant BV is a BV that nothing happens to. A dormant BV is empty: there are no assets and there are no debts.
Fortunately, you can dissolve a dormant BV. This saves you time and money, because you no longer have to have annual accounts drawn up and filed. You also no longer have to file a VAT return and the annual VPB return is a thing of the past.
The question of whether a dormant BV can be dissolved is easy to answer and only offers advantages as you have read above. Immediately dissolving the BV by means of a turbo liquidation is possible if:
These are the most important conditions. There are also some additional terms and conditions that are important. Please contact us if you would like more information about this.
Expedited liquidation means that you immediately dissolve and dissolve the BV. However, this cannot be done just like that. If there is a creditor, he can reverse the turbo liquidation. Before you can proceed to the dissolution and dissolution of a BV, you must therefore check whether the BV is empty. This means that there are no benefits and expenses.
First check whether there are assets in the BV. For example, real estate or inventory. If these are present, you must sell them before the BV can be dissolved.
Then you look at whether there are any liabilities: are there any debts? You don’t just have to think of large debts. Every outstanding claim counts. Once these debts have been paid or waived, you can proceed to dissolve and dissolve the BV. It is possible to dissolve a BV with debts , but there are additional conditions attached to this.
If there are employees employed by the BV, the BV cannot yet be dissolved. This can only be done after an arrangement has been made with the employees, or when the employment contracts have been terminated.
Also check whether certificates with meeting rights attached to them have been issued. If that is the case, you cannot immediately dissolve the BV.
Is there a pledge on shares? In that case, you can only dissolve the BV once this right of pledge has been terminated or lifted.
If there is usufruct on the shares, you can only proceed to the dissolution of the BV after the usufructuary has given permission.
Also check whether there are current contracts for gas, water, electricity and internet. Do you have a stamrecht BV or a pension right BV? Special rules apply to this.
Since the Expedited Liquidation Transparency Act (November ’23), things have not become any easier. A BV must meet more conditions, there are more steps and you must have things in order before you can dissolve at all. Are you looking for help? Please contact us. We are happy to help you.
an online turbo liquidation from €289
Lifting BV.nl starts the decomposition process within one day
More than 10 years of experience in legal services
More than 15 years of experience in legal services. Specialist in the dissolution of BVs. Within 24 hours, the process is started at the most advantageous fixed rates.
Lifting BV.nl
Nieuwe Hilversumseweg 25
1406 TB Bussum
Email: info@opheffen-bv.nl
Chamber of Commerce: 65680170
Check if you can dissolve your B.V.!