Dissolution decision BV
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Guaranteed dissolution
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Do you want to dissolve a private limited company? Then a dissolution decision is required. This is a legally conclusive document that you sign as a shareholder of the B.V., which legally dissolves the private limited company and thus ceases to exist.
With us, you can create this decision quickly and easily. This dissolution decision is intended for a turbo liquidation, i.e. when your BV no longer has any possessions or assets. Ask? Then contact us!
Using our service, you independently dissolve your BV for a fixed amount starting from €289
A private limited company, foundation or public limited company is dissolved by a resolution of the general meeting, in other words by a resolution of dissolution. A decision can be taken in a meeting or outside a meeting by means of a document that is signed.
The articles of association of the BV prescribe the conditions that the dissolution resolution must meet and the procedure that must be followed. A dissolution decision often requires a majority of votes.
The dissolution decision always contains the following points:
If necessary, you can include in the dissolution decision;
The dissolution applies from the moment the decision is taken, or at a future date. In most cases, a decision to dissolve is irrevocable and can no longer be undone.
In the case of a “turbo liquidation”, you can dissolve the BV without liquidating. This is possible if the BV has no assets or debts. For a turbo liquidation, no liquidator needs to be appointed and the dissolution procedure and dissolution decision are simpler and faster. In the case of a turbo liquidation, there is no need to place an advertisement, there is no two-month waiting period, there is no liquidator and no account and accountability has to be drawn up.
Subsequently, the turbo liquidation is reported to the Chamber of Commerce and you deregister the BV from the Chamber of Commerce. After this, you still need to file a tax return for the settlement of turnover tax / wage tax / corporation tax and discontinuation profit. Any tax due can also be paid by the shareholder.
If there are still assets or creditors after the dissolution, those interested parties can request the reopening of the BV to the court. The custodian must keep the administration of the BV for at least seven years.
In addition to the above, you must take into account the filing of all annual accounts for all previous years. You must provide a statement of no income and a balance sheet and a statement of income and expenses must be drawn up. Do you need help with this? Then make an appointment.
This resolution to dissolve your BV is a so-called shareholders’ resolution outside a meeting. Decision-making may take place in a manner other than in a general meeting if all those entitled to attend the meeting have agreed to the method of decision-making. This is a written resolution of the general meeting of your BV, and it means that a written resolution is taken without an official general meeting.
an online turbo liquidation from €289
Lifting BV.nl starts the decomposition process within one day
More than 10 years of experience in legal services
More than 15 years of experience in legal services. Specialist in the dissolution of BVs. Within 24 hours, the process is started at the most advantageous fixed rates.
Lifting BV.nl
Nieuwe Hilversumseweg 25
1406 TB Bussum
Email: info@opheffen-bv.nl
Chamber of Commerce: 65680170
Check if you can dissolve your B.V.!