An empty BV is usually a BV that has never been used or that is no longer used. There is an empty BV if there are no assets and debts. If there are assets or debts, the BV is not empty. It is best to dissolve an empty BV! We explain the benefits and guide you from A to Z in the liquidation.
Using our service, you independently dissolve your BV for a fixed amount starting from €289
An empty BV takes time, so you are obliged to draw up annual accounts and you must file them annually. If you do not or do not intend to do anything with a BV, you can decide to dissolve the empty BV. It is important to check whether the BV is really empty before you proceed to dissolve the BV.
If there are assets and if the BV is free of debts, you can immediately dissolve and dissolve an empty BV. This can be done by means of a turbo liquidation. However, it is important that the BV is really empty, that there are no more obligations. A turbo liquidation can be reversed by any creditor.
If it turns out that the BV still has possessions such as inventory or machines, these must first be sold before you can proceed to dissolve the BV.
You should also check whether there are any debts. For example, a debt to the tax authorities. These must first be paid or waived before you can dissolve and dissolve the BV.
Do you employ employees? Then you can only dissolve the BV if the employment contracts have been terminated or if an arrangement has been made with the employees.
In the event that certificates have been issued to which meeting rights are attached, you cannot simply dissolve the BV.
If you want to dissolve a BV, it is necessary that the pledge on shares is lifted or terminated.
You cannot simply dissolve a BV if there is usufruct on the shares. You first need permission from the usufructuary.
If you want to dissolve an empty BV, also check whether there are current contracts for gas, water and electricity and internet. If there is also a pension BV or a stamrecht BV, special rules apply to this.
Closing an empty BV does not have to take long. We are happy to help you with the dissolution. Contact us for more information.
an online turbo liquidation from €289
Lifting starts the decomposition process within one day
More than 10 years of experience in legal services
More than 15 years of experience in legal services. Specialist in the dissolution of BVs. Within 24 hours, the process is started at the most advantageous fixed rates.
Nieuwe Hilversumseweg 25
1406 TB Bussum
Chamber of Commerce: 65680170
Check if you can dissolve your B.V.!